Well, from my experience I would say they have pretty slim pickings as far as attorneys.
In my decades of being a witness, I only met one witness attorney, and it was someone already working at bethel as an attorney.
i thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: experienced attorneys and paralegals needed at bethel.
dear brothers:.
Well, from my experience I would say they have pretty slim pickings as far as attorneys.
In my decades of being a witness, I only met one witness attorney, and it was someone already working at bethel as an attorney.
i seem to remember that she was not ever dfd even though she was present at the fateful meal, but i don't remember where i saw that.
it seemed like they specifically targeted raymond, but cynthia was left alone.. i tried searching jwn, but the search feature seems to be not working.. also tried googling the answer, but to no avail..
Thanks everyone, esp. COMPOUND COMPLEX and BLONDIE for the inside info.
THE DEPRESSED SOUL - I am quite certain that Ray Franz had not a single doubt regarding his decision or a "what-if-they-are-right" moment. But if you are still having those thoughts, I would recommend seeing a therapist or psychologist who specializes in persons who are abused or have PTSD. They won't be able to refute or disprove doctrine, but might be able to help you "rip out" some of the leftover "programming" that is contributing to your doubts regarding TTATT.
i seem to remember that she was not ever dfd even though she was present at the fateful meal, but i don't remember where i saw that.
it seemed like they specifically targeted raymond, but cynthia was left alone.. i tried searching jwn, but the search feature seems to be not working.. also tried googling the answer, but to no avail..
I seem to remember that she was not ever DFd even though she was present at the fateful meal, but I don't remember where I saw that. It seemed like they specifically targeted Raymond, but Cynthia was left alone.
I tried searching JWN, but the search feature seems to be not working.
Also tried googling the answer, but to no avail.
if you walked up to any jw and said "i just spoke to satan" they would think you lost your mind.
while that reaction makes perfect sense in the real world, in wt land it doesn't add up.
here's why i say this -jw's are supposed to believe the following:.
I don't know. I think quite a few are convinced he is real.
Why is the world so bad? Satan.
Why are families falling apart? Satan.
Why did my husband cheat on me? Satan.
If you go to college, who will you be learning from? Satan.
Why does ebola exist? Satan.
Honestly, I think satan is more important to JW theology than God.
ever had this thought about an upcoming movie?.
and then i would feel guilty for putting my entertainment desires ahead of god's kingdom.. .
I worried that ARMAGEDDON would come before "Return of the Jedi" was released.
What was that? 32 years ago?
I think "this system" will still be here when "The Force Awakens" comes out.
CAPPYTAN - same sentiments as you when Phantom came out with the JarJar character. ARMAGEDDON didn't come fast enough!
all they want is some spiritually-qualified publishers blind individuals who believe they are god's mouthpiece on earth.
no wonder their artwork is so poor.. .
christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses2821 route 22, patterson, ny 12563-2237 phone: (845) 306-11001/8/15-e usjanuary 8, 2015to all congregations in the united states branch territoryre: art skills needed at betheldear brothers:the beautiful illustrations in our printed publications and on jw.org serve as teaching aidsthat emphasize spiritual truths from the bible.
Art skills, nunchuck skills, bowstaff skills. . . .
and joined your ranks.... this means...youre talking about a people, that currently are pushing no sex till marriage.
that would end and join into the messages you currently push regarding youths and sex.
that would be sex, with condoms.
When you're in the new system, please share a bunch of grapes with your pet panda in my remembrance.
Breakfast of Champions
whatever the outcome of the appeal, i fear that most of us are going to be very disappointed.. a) obviously if the org wins.. b) if the org loses, they will put their plan 'b' into action - damage limitation - which will iinvolve confidentiality agreements being signed by pending/future victims, thereby settling the majority of cases out of court, and winning in several ways;.
there are probably other benefits, but these are the principal ones, and for these reasons i reckon the floodgates will never be allowed to be opened!!!
they've seen how other establishments have responded to their pedophile cases, and have picked up some good tips on how to minimise the effects.
This is the way the Watchtower ends,
Not with a bang but a whimper.
im not an attorney and i could not record the hearing, so please forgive me if i make mistakes in relating what i remember of the oral argument hearing for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society on january 14, 2015 and the length of this post.. i arrived at the civic center/union plaza in san francisco, ca about 7:30. the area is very nice with a few homeless people sleeping in the park across from the courthouse.
it took me about 10 minutes to find the clerks office for the court on the first floor, which opened at 8:00.. once the clerks office opened, the two clerks who i talked with were very polite and helpful.
the arguments for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society were scheduled 5th out of (i think) 8. while i was in the office a cameraman and another person for nbc arrived asking about the hearing for candace contis case.. the courtroom for the 1st appellate court is on the 4th floor and takes up most of that floor.
Incredible job Robert!
Thank you!
with hopefully a good deal of interest here in the conti appeal tomorrow (or later today, depending on where you are), i thought that on my ride home from work tonight i'd preview what to expect and what i think the key issues are for any who are interested.
i have had a busy few weeks and haven't had time to read everything, but i had some time to look at the appeal briefs during my work commute the past couple days.
it'll be interesting to see what develops out of the network news coverage of this case.